version 1 2 3 4 5

Lyrics as deciphered by Michael Poloukhine

[I looked at John and Mary] {I think its something else, but this seems to be accepted}
Before the journey had just begun
I saw a light shining bright
[Brighter than the sun] {drums; I can't hear a word}

[And we started to fall around ???] {guessing}
All around began to fade
Then he looked and found himself

Hey! what was that, long ago?
[going?][out of?] nowhere {?}
[???] {this sounds like a tape skip missed a line}

<The first crescendo...
… then down to bass…
… then Lilith bit>

[When I told our friend “come on by today”] {can’t be sure that’s it}
[It provides ???] your tears away.
Now you see him from day to day
Looking for the light

[Somehow bring when you ???]... {?}
You can [???] you have got it made
Remember, John, Mary weren’t afraid
When they saw the light

Hey, what was that, long ago?
Out of nowhere
Ah! {?}...

<the second crescendo... and a bridge>

[Long time ago ???] or [Poor ???]
[Long time ago ???] or [Every time ???]

<the part with the 'falsetto' sound]

[Lost in a ???]

[There I am] like a bloom {or “bird”?}
Calling you like a butterfly
All around the people will stare
[Stare, stare …???] {More yelling, can't make it out.}

<Lilith bit again>

So I went on a [???] {or same as before?}
[It provides ???] your tears away.
Now you see him from day to day
Looking for the light

Hey, what was that, long ago?
Out of nowhere {not completely sure}
Ahh! [???]

<Guitars and instrumental part with fast arpeggios…
… and eventually flute and bass>

Aaaaah... aaaah... aaaah...
<along with “Raven” arpeggious>

<Bass Lilith parts again; then back to the song>

[???] our friends [when you ???]... {?}
You can see [???] you have got it made
Remember, John ‘n’ Mary weren’t afraid
When they saw the light

[Slow bass]

Like a bird
On a [???]
Like a butterfly
All around the people will share {or “stare”?}
[share... share...] {or “stare”?}