version 1 2 3 4 5

Lyrics as deciphered by Paul Hedges

I looked at John and Mary
My father (?)
perhaps: my father [...] and got the gun

?...John and Mary
?...journey had just begun
Saw a light, shining bright, ??????

I saw a light shining bright
[drums; I can't hear a word!]
sounds like: brighter than the sun
[Can't get 1st line]
All around began to fade
Down the road... (?)

?...all around began to pray
Then the Lord came down himself

Hey, what was that, long ago?
....nowhere (?)


[Here comes the first crescendo... and down to bass]
[Lilith bit]
So I followed her... a barbed fence (?)
There's a lot of feeling... away (?)
.... from day to day
When I saw The Light

When the light appears it takes our fears away
Night teaching from day to day
When they saw The Light

Some more rain... (?)
Remember, John, Mary (... afraid?)
Remember, John 'n Mary were?/weren't? afraid
When I saw the light

? as bright as day
? Mary wants to pray
When they saw The Light

Hey, what was that, long ago?
Out of nowhere (?)


[Here comes the second crescendo... and a bridge]
[I swear I don't understand a single word here!]

?... diamond ring

It seems the line "Long time ago" is repeated twice in there.
(more things...)
[Now comes the part with the 'falsetto' sound]
[Nothing here either until]
Long ago... like a (?)
long ago ... like a bloom (?)
calling you? like a butterfly
(?) a puppet fly

Here am I, like a bird,
Calling you, like a butterfly

All around the people all (share?)

All around the people will stare, stare, ?

All around the people all fell
dead! dead!
All around the people all yelled
"Death!" "Death!"
[something else]
[More yelling, can't make it out. Lilith bit again]

So I went on a...
[Same as before?] (?)... away
.... from day to day
When I saw the light

?...fears away
Night teaching from day to day
When they saw The Light

Hey, what was that, long ago?
Out of nowhere [Not completely sure, of course...]


[Guitars and instrumental part with fast arpeggios]
[The flute also comes in now; I love this part!]
Aaaaah... aaaah... aaaah... [You get the idea]
[Bass Lilith parts again; back to the song]
So I ran... (?) (?)
Remember, John, Mary... afraid (?)
When I saw the light

?...make my way
To see a Light calling you as bright as day
?...Mary want to pray, when they saw The Light

[Slow bass]
Like a (?)
Like a bird
Out of room
Like a puppet fly

Like a bird,
Calling you, like a butterfly

All around the people will share (?)
(death, death?) OR
(their death?)

All around the people will stare
Stare, stare